Moving and Handling Training for Personal Assistants

About this course

In the United Kingdom, training in moving and handling is a mandatory course needed by personal assistants (PAs) who are assisting individuals to move.

PAs play a crucial role in supporting individuals with varying mobility needs, and their training is paramount to ensuring the safety, dignity, and comfort of those they assist.

Moving and handling training for personal assistants encompasses a range of essential skills and knowledge. Firstly, PAs are educated on the fundamental principles of safe manual handling, emphasising risk assessment and the importance of adapting techniques to suit the unique needs of the person they are caring for. This foundation serves as a cornerstone for minimising the risk of injury to both the personal assistant and the person they are supporting.

Practical techniques are a focal point of the training, covering tasks such as lifting, transferring, and repositioning individuals. This is particularly crucial when working with clients who may have physical disabilities or require assistance due to age-related limitations. The training ensures that personal assistants are proficient in employing proper body mechanics, utilising equipment when necessary, and maintaining open communication with the person they are assisting.

Moreover, training extends to the use of specialised aids and equipment designed to facilitate safe and comfortable movement. Personal assistants learn how to operate hoists, slings, and other assistive devices, fostering an environment where individuals with mobility challenges can maintain independence and autonomy.

Continuous professional development is emphasised, with regular updates and refresher courses. This ensures that personal assistants stay abreast of evolving best practices, new technologies, and any changes in guidelines. The goal is to instill a culture of ongoing improvement, ensuring that personal assistants are well-equipped to meet the dynamic needs of their clients.

In summary, moving and handling training for personal assistants in the UK is a vital investment in the quality of care provided to individuals with mobility challenges. By imparting essential skills, promoting adaptability, and encouraging a commitment to continuous learning, this training contributes to the creation of a supportive and dignified environment for both personal assistants and those they assist.

Who is this course for?

All employed/ paid personal assistants


£640.00 +VAT (half a day)

This course will incur an additional travel cost.

Please contact us to arrange a quote.

Terms & conditions

Learn about our cancellation policy and other terms and conditions.

Upcoming training dates

Course location.

This course takes place at your work location

Enquire about this training course

If you would like further information, or to book onto our training course, contact the team on 0161 214 4590

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