
Occupational therapy assessments

An Occupational Therapist can identify the need for suitable equipment provision, minor or major adaptations, to increase independence and maintain safety within the home environment. Our aim is to enable people to live as independent as possible whether it may be in their own home, at work, schools or colleges.

An elderly mother and daughter sat down holding hands whilst talking

Moving and handling assessments

Community and healthcare providers should equip carers with proper training and tools for safe handling of individuals. Access to equipment may differ from hospitals, necessitating individualised risk assessments and care plans.

Plans must specify necessary equipment, and staff should be proficient in its usage through training tailored to each patient’s needs. Adapt and Live can provide independent Moving and Handling assessments in your home.

Access audits

Ensure your building is accessible to all, including those with disabilities. The Equality Act 2010 states it is illegal to discriminate against a disabled person for reasons relating to his or her disability.

An Adapt & Live auditor will suggest reasonable adjustments to avoid discrimination in your building. Every audit includes a list of priorities and links to appropriate guidance.

An audit will give you a clear plan and can often suggest simple, practical solutions that you may not have thought of. This will enable individuals with disabilities to safely use your building without facing discrimination.

A man sat in a wheelchair at work whilst operating a device for manufacturing

What assessments we provide?

  • Face to Face assessments at home

    For a more detailed assessment with one of our experienced OT’s in the home.

  • Remote assessments

    With access to the latest technology for assessing people at home remotely. Our remote assessment tool utilises video conferencing technology so that an Occupational Therapy Assessment can be carried out virtually.

  • Face to face assessments in our centre

    To consider the possible equipment options. By appointment only please contact us.

I have always found the response time for assessments by Adapt & Live to be quick and the service excellent with full reports provided detailing the clients requirements for moving forward.
Karen McLean - Salix Homes
Project Officer

Our partners

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